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A Novel and Fast Memory Perturbation Method to Increase Exploration in Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
Muchamad Taufiq Anwar, Edy Winarno, Iswatun Chasanah, Saptono Nugrohadi

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Universitas Stikubank, Satya Wacana Christian University, Universitas PGRI Semarang

Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), one of the versatile nature-inspired optimization algorithm, continue to suffer from premature convergence regardless of the rigorous amount of research. Many research had tried to address this issue but often use a complex algorithm which tax on computational time and complexity. This research introduced a novel perturbation method to mitigate premature convergence / to increase exploration while keeping the computational cost at a minimum. The particles memories (i.e the position of personal and global best) are modified by a random multiplier which in turn will -perturb- the particles- velocity. The implementation of this novel perturbation method in early iterations had resulted in 100% success rate in finding global optima in our benchmark tests (Sphere, Schwefel 2.22, Rosenbrock, Rastrigin, and Ackley problem) – whereas the original PSO failed in all benchmark tests – without adding a significant amount of computational complexity and time.

PSO, premature convergence, perturbation, exploration

Information Technology


An elaborate response in molecular random network -Approach for information processing functionality-
Megumi Akai-Kasaya

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Megumi Akai-Kasaya

An animate brain consists of interconnected complex biological networks of locally active components. The informational processing exploits massive parallelism with low energy consumption, utilizing the multiplicity and stochasticity of signals. Recently, utilization of desiglees random networks of inanimate matter for computation or informational processing has started to be proposed. Here we introduce two nanomaterial networks, which show complex response showing potency for advanced future signal processing.

We succeeded in showing experimental evidence to prove Coulomb blockade taking place on Two-dimensional organic conducting polymer films. Electrical conductivity of hexylthiophene monolayer showed temperature-dependent threshold voltage in temperature range of 150K—4K and increased in power law of the current-voltage beyond the threshold. The onset of two-dimensional Coulomb blockade in the organic thin film was theoretically verified through the calculation of the delocalization of electric charge in the molecular film. This system meets the criteria to be a suitable building block for the physical realization of a cellular neural network. We further found a neuromorphic device that consist of extremely dense and random single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) complexed with polyoxometalate molecule generating spontaneous spikes similar to nerve impulses of neurons. A simulation calculation of the random molecular network model, which are able to store electric charges, replicate spikes generated from the network. This molecular model would very likely become a component of reservoir computing that is anticipated as next-generation artificial intelligence. These results indicate the possibility that complex functional networks can be constructed using molecular devices, and contribute to the development of neuromorphic devices.

Nanomaterial Molecular Device Neuromorphic Neural Network

Information Technology


Sekreningsih Nita, Sulistyaning Kartikawati

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Sekreningsih Nita

University PGRI Madiun

The definition of an algorithm is to describe a problem into a sequence of systematic steps in solving problems. Arranging the algorithm in sequence from beginning to end so that it can solve the problem. The results of the implementation of the algorithm are programs. So the purpose of making an algorithm is to facilitate the making of the program. There are 2 types of algorithms, 1) Text (narration and pseudocode), 2) Visual / image (flowchart). Comparison between the two, students understand it which is higher between the text or visual model. This study aims to see how much infuence the value of students understands the algorithm in text or in an image. In conclusion, students are easier to understand the types of algorithms in an image. The test uses the sample T test, with a 5% significance level obtained value = 0.5. This means that the t count is greater than t table of 2.06390

algorithm, pseudocode, flowchart, t test

Information Technology


Damarjati Application for Development of Javanese Language Learning in High Schools
Suyitno, Ngatmini, Setyoningsih Wibowo

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Suyitno tri

Universitas PGRI Semarang

The background of this study is the difficulty of Javanese high school language teachers in implementing the 2013 Local Content Java Language Curriculum. The problem discussed is how the application of the Damarjati application in the development of HOTS-based Javanese language learning in high school. The objective to be achieved is to describe the standard operating procedures of the Damarjati application in the development of HOTS-based Javanese language learning in high school. The object of this research is the application of the Damarjati application in the development of HOTS-based Javanese language learning with a population of Javanese language teachers and high school students in Central Java. The phenomenological approach applied in this research is carried out by developing products in the learning process with the Content Management System (CMS) format. Based on in-depth studies it was concluded that: 1) the Damarjati application was opened through .; choose classes and semesters; choose themes and sub-themes, and provide corrections and comments; and 2) the application of the Damarjati application can develop HOTS-based Javanese language learning in high schools through the nggatekake menu, tetakon, naliti, nyoba, ngatonake, and gladhen. Our gratitude goes to the In the 7th International Conference on DV-X melalui Method Committee, through Ms. Mega Novita for her willingness to give our team the opportunity to join this highly qualified international conference.


Information Technology


Data Mining Application with Fuzzy Logic Method for Monitoring Vehicle Position Based on Android
Munaf Ismail, Sri Arttini Dwi Prasetyowati, Ida Widihastuti

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Munaf Ismail

Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Cases of vehicles theft in the Central Java region occurred 869 cases, the percentage was 57.86% against other crimes. To prevent vehicles theft, the police need public participation by increasing awareness of their vehicles. Vehicle theft can occur due to owner negligence and lack of safety locks on the vehicle. This study aims to create data mining application as monitoring vehicle position. The transmitter WiFi 2.4 GHz placed on a vehicle, then measured the RSSI signal by an android application based on fuzzy logic. Indication of theft is that the vehicle is positioned away from the owner, so the signal RSSI is less than -90 dBm. Fuzzy logic monitors this change in distance. When the membership function is lost, fuzzy logic instruct android to activated the alarm . Fuzzy logic was able to make decision give a alarm to user when RSSI signal less than -90 dBm. RSSI signal is less than -90 dBm when the distance is 20 meters if there is a wall barrier, without obstacle the distance is up to 80 meters. RSSI signal is influenced by the measurement environment.

Data mining application, Fuzzy Logic, Monitoring vehicle position

Information Technology


Design of Augmented Reality Game app "IntroME" using ADDIE Model
Rahmat Robi Waliyansyah (a*), Irfan Nur Ridwan (a), Khoirul Huda (a), Febrian Murti Dewanto (a)

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Rahmat Robi Waliyansyah

a) Faculty of Engineering and Informatics Universitas PGRI Semarang
Dr. Cipto, Jl. Sidodadi Timur No.24, Karangtempel, Kec. Semarang Tim., Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50232

An understanding of animal classification based on the type of food, is one of the sub themes in the subject of Natural Sciences. In school learning activities an understanding of the classification is conveyed through cooperative approaches such as presentations, group activities and tests. By doing the delivery method it is less attractive for students to pay attention and study in school, as well as to understand it themselves outside of teaching activities by reading books, can reduce students interest in learning it. With the existence of a different alternative in the form of an educational game, it can help in supporting the process of understanding animal classification based on the type of food carried out during teaching activities and outside of school hours. Coupled with the application of augmented reality technology on learning features that can increase user interest in learning, and for the application of learning in the form of interactive games. This educational game uses the ADDIE model and uses the design of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) which consists of Use Case Diagrams, Activity Diagrams, Squares Diagrams and as a programming language in making the application is expected to help solve existing problems. Furthermore, this application will be tested using the Black Box and User Acceptance Test. Based on the results of testing using the User Acceptance Test obtained a percentage of 86%. Then the test results using Black Box Testing obtained a 100% valid percentage.

Educational Game; Augmented Reality; Android; ADDIE

Information Technology


Design of Product Monitoring System using Internet of Things Technology for Smart Manufacturing
Marti Widya Sari (a*); Herianto (b); IGB Budi Dharma (c); Alva Edy Tontowi (d)

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Marti Widya Sari

(a,b,c,d) Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Yogyakarta, Indonesia

(a) Department of Informatics
Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta, Indonesia


The application system in the industrial era 4.0 is currently growing rapidly. One of them is the implementation of smart manufacturing in the industrial sector. In smart manufacturing, production processes can be monitored automatically and real time, starting from material selection, then the production process to the planned product. In this study discussed the design of a monitoring system on smart manufacturing based on internet of things technology. Smart technology is implemented on material scans automatically based on color sensors, then from the material it will also be known that with these materials produce certain products and require any material. In addition, the system will also automatically detect through the initial material to find out which processes will be passed. The methods used include literature studies, system requirements analysis, system design and system testing. The results of this study are in the form of a hardware system design and display of production process monitoring system applications. In the system that is made also a notification is displayed if a bottle neck occurs in the production process.

product, desgin; monitoring; smart manufacturing; internet of things

Information Technology


Nugroho Dwi Saputro(a*), Tri Ana Romadhani(b), Febrian Murti Dewanto(b)

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Nugroho Dwi Saputro

a) Engineering and Informatics Faculty, Universitas PGRI Semarang, Jalan Lontar No. 1, Semarang, Indomesia
b) Engineering and Informatics Faculty, Universitas PGRI Semarang, Jalan Lontar No. 1 Semarang, Indomesia

The lack of appropriate supporting media in learning at the age of children makes the young generation now less familiar and still having difficulty learning Javanese script (Aksara Jawa called in indonesia). For this reason, we need appropriate media in the introduction of Javanese script, one of which is through interesting educational games and can provide information about Javanese script. Games are forms of application that can be used as learning media where the process can be done with the concept of learning while playing for children. In this study the algorithm used was the Shuffle Random Algorithm. With this randomization algorithm, it is expected to avoid repetition of the problem so that the learning process can run effectively. Furthermore, this application was tested using the Black Box, White Box and User Acceptance Test. With the Black Box and White Box testing get a percentage of 100% while with the User Acceptance Test this application has an average of 86%, so it can be concluded that this educational game is feasible to be used as a learning medium for Javanese script.

Javanese script, Educational Game, Randomization, Android, Shuffle Random

Information Technology


Designing Enterprise Architecture in Koperasi Karyawan using TOGAF Architecture Development Method
Noora Qotrun Nada*, Setyoningsih Wibowo, Mega Novita

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Noora Qotrun Nada

Faculty of Engineering and Informatics
Universitas PGRI Semarang
Jalan Sidodadi Timur 24 Semarang Indonesia

The Open Group suggests that Enterprise Architecture (EA) can produce an IT blueprint that can be used to determine business, technology and information to support the achievement of the vision and mission of an organization. EA can also be seen as a model, a set of principles and methods used to produce an actual enterprise organizational structure with business processes used covering business operations, business planning, information technology and information systems. EA is also in the form of models, graphs and narratives that will explain the scope of business processes and designs of an enterprise. The purpose of this study is to design EA, especially in Koperasi Karyawan TEKAD Semarang using TOGAF framework. In other words, this architecture is created by emphasizing the relationship between IT and business. EA model is intended to maximize business alignment with IT in all situations, but depends on the nature of business and capacity in business and IT management in cooperatives.

Enterprise Architecture, TOGAF, Koperasi

Information Technology


Detecting Hoaxes in Indonesian News Using TF/TDM and K Nearest Neighbor
Eri Zuliarso, Muchamad Taufiq Anwar, Kristophorus Hadiono, Iswatun Chasanah

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Universitas Stikubank, Satya Wacana Christian University

The presence of the internet and the rapid growth of social media had given rise to the blossoming of hoax creation and distribution through it. A hoax can cause anxiety and reactivity to its readers and could harm a certain party. Thereby, it is important to detect and report hoaxes to stop its spreading as soon as possible. This research aims to utilize the K Nearest Neighbor (KNN) classification algorithm to detect whether a piece of news is a hoax or not. Experiments were done by using 74 hoaxes compiled from Indonesian hoax-debunking community websites and were being compared against 74 real news from various reputable news websites in Indonesia. The result showed that the model could give detection/classification accuracy up to 83.6% and that the model is prone to false positives detections. The characteristics of the resulted model and further research directions are then discussed.

hoax detection, fake news detection, Indonesian hoaxes, hoaxes in Bahasa, K Nearest Neighbor, KNN, Term Frequency, Term Document Matrix

Information Technology


Interaction Analysis Application of Arduino Industrial Automation Trainer Based on Project to Improve Cognitive Ability and Bodily Kinesthetic Ability
Ir. Sulistyaning Kartikawati, MM, M.Pd., Sekreningsih Nita, S.Kom, MT.

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Universitas PGRI Madiun

Interaction Analysis Application of Arduino Industrial Automation Trainer Based on Project to Improve Cognitive Ability and Bodily Kinesthetic Ability S. Kartikawati1, 2, S. Nita,3 1Program Studi Pendidikan Teknik Elektro, FKIP, Universitas PGRI Madiun Jl. Setiabudi No. 85 Madiun 3Program Studi Teknik Informatika, FT, Universitas PGRI Madiun Jl. Setiabudi No. 85 Madiun Abstract: This research aims to determine the interaction/influence of the application of Arduino Industrial Automation trainer based on projects to enhance cognitive abilities and bodily kinesthetic abilities. college student This research is in the form of quantitative descriptive research. The sample used in this study is one class taken using Saturated Sampling techniques. The research class was treated by using a project-based Arduino Industrial Automation trainer. The independent variables in this study are project-based Arduino Industrial Automation trainer, while the dependent variable is cognitive abilities and bodily kinesthetic abilities.. There are 3 kinds of analysis techniques, namely instrument analysis techniques, prerequisite analysis techniques, and hypothesis analysis techniques. The measured research data are cognitive ability data and bodily kinesthetic ability data. The analysis of the hypothesis test of this study used the T-Test with a significance level of 5%. T-Test Criteria are as follows, Ho is accepted / H1 is rejected if T count is smaller than T table and Ho is rejected / H1 is accepted if T count is greater than T table. From the results of the instrument test, namely the validation test, there are 75% questions stated valid. For the prerequisite test for the normality of cognitive abilities and bodily kinesthetic abilities on the pretest and posttest obtained L count < L table means the sample is normally distributed. For the prerequisite test for homogeneity of cognitive abilities and bodily kinesthetic abilities obtained F count < F table means the sample is homogeneous. The results of the T test for the first dependent variable cognitive ability obtained T count = 24.41 and T table = 1.697, because T count is greater than T table then Ho1 is rejected, meaning that there is an interaction/influence of the implementation of the Arduino Industrial Automation trainer based on projects in improving cognitive abilities. While the results of the T test for the dependent variable bodily kinesthetic ability obtained T count = 18.33 with T table = 1.697, because T count is greater than T table then Ho2 is rejected, it means that there is an interaction/influence of the application of the Arduino Industrial Automation trainer based on the project in increasing bodily kinesthetic abilities. So that it can be concluded that there is an interaction/influence of the application of the Arduino Industrial Automation trainer based on projects in improving cognitive abilities and bodily kinesthetic abilities. Keywor

Industrial Automation Trainer, Arduino, Project, Cognitive, Bodily Kinesthetic.

Information Technology


Internet of Things (IOT) with Cloud Computing and Machine to Machine (M2M) communication in Aquaponics Farming Systems
Prahenusa Wahyu Cipadi, R.Hafid Hardyanto

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Prahenusa Wahyu Ciptadi

Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta

The IoT is gaining increasing attention. The overall aim is to interconnect the physical with the digital world. Therefore, the physical world is measured by sensors and translated into processible data, and data has to be translated into commands to be executed by actuators. Three important factors propelling the IoT forward are sensing nodes, embedded processing, and communication. This transformation is acompanied with the emergence of cloud computing capabilities supported by an increase in storage capacity, high end processing, and Machine to Machine (M2M) communication for data transport with security. With cloud computing technology, data will be stored and accessed anywhere needed with a support of powerful computing performance, efficient storage infrastructure for heterogeneous systems and software which configures and controls these different devices. The Machine to Machine (M2M) communication technology is needed, because the massive explosion of online services, further inspired by the smartphone and handheld revolution, which made these services highly accessible, has created a demand to leverage technology. In this paper, a brief introduction aquaponics farming system is given and the IoT with cloud storage and M2M communication is explained. This will also benefit the IoT in its ease of use in day-to-day life and believe to be future in this area which is getting ready for its revolution.

Aquaponics, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Machine to Machine communication.

Information Technology


Smart Aquaponics Design Using Internet of Things Technology
R Hafid Hardyanto (1), Prahenusa Wahyu Ciptadi (2)

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R. Hafid Hardyanto

(1)hafid[at], Informatics Department, Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta
(2)nusa[at], Informatics Department, Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta

Smart Aquaponic is a system of planting plants and maintaining fish in one container with integrated Internet of Things technology. Aquaponic is the process by which plants utilize nutrients derived from fish feces which, if left in the pond, will become toxic to the fish. Plants function as a filter of vegetation which will break down these toxic substances into substances that are not harmful to fish. Plants also supply oxygen to the water used to maintain fish. With this cycle there will be a mutually beneficial cycle between plants and fish. This system is very profitable, because the land used will not be too large. The purpose of this study was to develop a smart aquaponic system using Internet of Things technology. In this system aquaponics are equipped with sensors that function as monitors and actuators. Actuators can be controlled by users using smart phones. Sensor monitoring can be observed by users using smart phones. The method used in this study uses the Microsoft Solution Framework (MSF) with the waterfall system development method and Object Oriented Development (OOD) method. Stages in this study includes problem identification, preliminary planning and design, piloting and implementation. Conclusion: This smart aquaponics design is ready to be implemented in small scale trials.

Aquaponic, Internet of Things, Smart Aquaponic System

Information Technology


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